Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Time is flying.

Such a busy week.

As kidding season approaches there are so many little things that need to be done. Trim feet prepare birthing areas. Soon we must start trimming udders. I don't trim bellies since it chills the Does unnecessarily. It is still quite cold and I don't want them to get sick.

My poor daughter has gotten the bug. She has spent the last eight hours removing any contents of her stomach, no matter how carefully we try to put in. She is trying peppermint tea with our own honey by the teaspoon every few minutes or so. I am trying to keep her hydrated. It promises to be a long day.

This is only disturbing our plans to visit Oma. I am a firm believer that when my children are sick they stay home and we keep it to ourselves. Since Oma lives alone now we certainly don't want to expose her to this.

A quiet week this week. We have three pigs going in this weekend, always something to look forward to (and it will probably rain as it normally does). As an unschool project we are building two double Doe milking stands. The Children are learning about the grains and types of wood and how it is milled. How to use a tape and folding ruler properly, how to use power equipment safely. Lots of math and mapping skills as we had to draw our plans and lay out the wood to use it most efficiently.

It seems unless there is one last hurrah the coldest part of winter, the below zero part, is behind us. We are so low on wood but every nice day that comes about is a Windsday and we are unable to cut safely. Some fallen branches have been located and we will gather them.

I have been looking for a hay and shaving supply to no avail so I must purchase locally for exorbitant amounts of money.

Today I must order my Chickens, Ducks, turkey and Geese for the new growing season. Contact my supplier for more feeder pigs. I hope to pick them up after I drop the others off. I need to place my seed order, new kidd nipple order (I think 50 should do) and order some Lombardi Poplars so that we may have firewood sometime within the next ten years. The animals are stripping all the bark off of every tree. Living trees would be nice.

Then I am off to deliver products to a client but they are relatively close by and I hope my daughter will be better so I don't have to worry too much more, Yeah like that will ever happen!

How the heck....

I'm not so sure this is going to work for posting products available to amateur as well as professional chef but here we go.

If you have a farm, no matter how small, feel free to post or comment with products available at the present time. Food products only.